Have you ever really thought about what it was like for Noah to collect all the animals?
Two of each kind?!!
It was hard enough to catch Precious!
Just one little goat!!
I couldn't imagine all the trouble Noah went through!
He had the Lord on his side,
So he had a lot of help!
Take another moment..
Reflect on what the conditions would have been like on the Ark..
Imagine how tightly packed it would have been?
What do you think it would have smelled like?!
^ I have owned
my share of pets
back home. I am sure
my mom would agree..
They don't always
smell the best!
Why did they do it??!
Why did Noah and his family go through with all of that?
Can you imagine all of the trials, troubles, and difficulties they would have encountered?!
I have only named a few of the things that first came to my mind.
I am sure there are MANY more!
They did it because..
They were RIGHTEOUS!
They had faith.
Faith that led to action.
They knew that it was what God had told Noah.
They knew that everything would work out as long as they followed the commandments!
It may have not been what they expected,
But it was what God needed them to do!
-1 Nephi 3:7
At the end of the day,
At least we can say,
It may be have been tough..
But at least we know:
-Jesus is the Christ
-God loves us
-The Gospel is true
We are on the Ark!
At least we can say,
It may be have been tough..
But at least we know:
-Jesus is the Christ
-God loves us
-The Gospel is true
We are on the Ark!