What do waterfowl and church have in common?
Alrighty! Well as mentioned in Have You Ever Spilled Milk? ..“To err is human, to forgive divine.” ... Duck hunting was one of my favorite things to do back home in Utah. I loved spending countless hours in the marshes along the Great Salt Lake! I could just sit out there and watch all of the beautiful things.
Y'all probably think I am crazy right?
When you hear the word marsh, some thoughts that pop up in your head might be..
- Cold - Stormy - Stinky - Wet - Bugs - Mud -
Not too appeasing I guess..
But look here!
Isn't that beautiful?
A marsh full of Ducks, Geese, Swans, Cranes, Sunrises, Sunsets, and the Mountains! The Beauty just goes on and on!!
Birds have up to 25,000 feathers, and regular preening keeps each feather in top condition. Second only to feeding, preening is a common bird behavior.
Why Do they do it so often?
Preening is a bird's way of grooming its feathers to keep them in the best condition. While preening, birds will remove dust, dirt and parasites from their feathers.
Most birds will preen several times a day to keep themselves healthy.
The uropygial gland, or preen gland, is an essential part of preening. This gland produces an oily substance that contains diester waxes that help waterproof feathers. While preening, birds will spread this oil to each feather.
That would take quite a while, Right?
Researchers counted 14,914 feathers on a pintail, 11,903 on a mallard, and 25,216 on a tundra swan.
But it's worth it for them to keep themselves healthy and waterproof!
If these Ducks didn't preen regularly, They would freeze! They wouldn't be able to stay waterproof!
Waterfowl have to live in the water, But not of the water as long as they preen!
Now back to us..
Just like the ducks, we need to "preen" ourselves!
One way we can do that is by going to church!!
Church attendance helps us live in the world, but not of the world. It is like our weekly "sin-proofer"! It keeps us "waterproof".
-How do you feel when you are at church?
-Imagine how much it means to Jesus Christ when He sees that you are there for Him, to remember the sacrifice that He made for all.
We also get to learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!
in 2 Peter 1:2, there is a promise with power!
"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord"
-What does that mean to you?
To me, Church is like a charging station.
Everyone has iPods, iPhones,Tablets, and some even have electric cars!
What do all of those need?
A good charge!!